In this riveting full-length remastered standalone novel, delve into the harrowing tale of Kyst Macklin, a once-promising college student whose future is shattered when he is wrongly accused of murder and sentenced to two consecutive life terms. Little does he know that a sinister plot lurks in the shadows—a man-made virus unleashed upon prisoners, transforming them into ravenous zombies.
Enter Cree Jenkins, a community activist and Medium who harbors a deep, unspoken love for Kyst, her childhood companion. As regret consumes her for not revealing her true feelings earlier, Cree sets out on a perilous quest to uncover the truth behind Kyst's disappearance and unravel the chilling mystery of vanished children haunting her neighborhood.
This gripping paranormal sci-fi thriller weaves together heart-pounding action, spine-tingling suspense, and a touch of romance amidst a relentless zombie apocalypse. Can Kyst alert his family in time to avert disaster, or have they already fallen prey to the deadly virus? Will Cree unlock the secrets and rescue her beloved before more lives are claimed by the encroaching darkness?
Prepare to be spellbound by a tale of love, loss, and redemption as the characters race against time in a battle for survival and salvation in a world teetering on the brink of chaos.